Giulietta M. Spudich

Children's author, lover of nature.


Diary 2024

This sacred body is our temple. There is a tree inside. Bones, heartwood, branches and veins, limbs reaching to the sky.

This sacred body is our temple. There is breath inside. The wind speaks to and through us, carrying our stories as it flies.

This sacred body is our temple. There is life inside. The deep red blood, the deep red heart, drumbeats, earthquakes cry.

This sacred body is our temple. It is enough to go inside. Dwell and listen, breathe and glisten, hear the voices of the wise.

This Sacred Body © Giulietta M. Spudich 2022


Calendar 2024

I twirl, swirl,
barefoot on bare floor,
the wood, the tree, the forest
in the rhythms of movement.
I dance with owl
with ghost
with spirit
with breath.
Once I danced
with heavy dreams in my arms,
dear dreams, broken dreams,
I've dropped those now.
When we break
the sky enters us.
This is what my
feet pound out.
This is the lightness
as the music
the wind
that moves me.

Wind Dance © Giulietta M Spudich 2022


Calendar 2023

I'm there in the sweet breath of snow,
in the quiet footprint of hare, in the curl of covers.

I'm there in the first trill of lark, in unfolding willow leaves, in the wake-up of fresh nettle tea.

I'm there in star blooms of jasmine, in the play of young foxes,
in sunlit rivers refreshing hot skin.

I'm there in the tumble of apples, in squirrel's cracking nut,
in the tingle of chill on the breeze.

I'm there in icicle rainbows, in deer's breath in snow,
in the bare eyes of trees.

In each turn of the seasons, in each changing light,

I'm there, always there, for you.

Nature’s Gift © Giulietta M. Spudich 2021