Jackie Singer

Jackie weaves healing and creative work from many strands: writing, music, storytelling, workshops and ceremonies. Since 2001 she has made music with the folk band Kismet. Increasingly, her work is about land, soul and the deep feminine.

Website: jackiesinger.co.uk

Diary 2017

‘Shamanka’ - I recently learnt this word, meaning a female shaman or medicine woman. What a relief to have a word for a powerful woman that’s free of the associations of ‘witch’. Tuning into the vibration of this word, this archetype, I wrote a song:
Shamanka, Woman of Power, Shamanka, Woman of Vision, Shamanka, Magical Woman,Wise One, Wild One, Shamanka.

As the words came through, I became aware of an ambiguity. Was I singing to Her or was She singing to me?
Shamanka, deep in your body, Shamanka, deep in your bone, Shamanka, deep in your blood, you know me, Wise One, Wild One, Shamanka.

By the last verse I tingled with a new understanding. This is how the longed-for wise woman can return to earth. When we are willing to embody her. As we call Her in, so we become Her.
Shamanka, My hands are your hands, Shamanka, My heart is your heart, Shamanka, My voice is yours, Shamanka, Wise One, Wild One, Shamanka

Shamanka © Jackie Singer 2015

About 15 years ago I did an exercise to find out what I really wanted to do with my life. I had to swiftly answer the question (and I recommend trying this), “If I died in 5 years, what would I be most sorry not to have done?” My answer surprised me. It was about sharing with girls and young women my discovery that, contrary to prevailing cultural messages, our bodies are good, trustworthy powerhouses of wisdom, intuition and joy.

Fast forward to today, and I have two young girls of my own, and am in the second year of running a mentoring circle with a group of 12 – 13 year old girls. We meet once a month, either outdoors, or in a local community centre, and we go on a weekend camp once a year. I, and a fellow mentor, feed them stories and songs, give them space to speak and be listened to, offer them time in nature, and creative materials. They call themselves ‘The Wolf Clan’, and we find wolf packs a great metaphor and inspiration for our own wild nature.

Of all the things I have done, this work fills me with most hope for the future. There are only 12 girls in our circle (we have plans to start more circles when time allows), and our time each month feels short. Yet, we are planting the seeds of a whole tribe of women who recognise and trust their inner voice. In the process, we as mentors find healing, connection and meaning in our own lives.

The Wolf Clan © Jackie Singer 2015


Diary 2015

This song came out of a retreat one Autumn. First it was a creative block. Then it was a pastel picture that looked peaceful and promising, surrounded by a thick dark border. It wasn’t to be hurried. Finally a song came through. Listen at www.kismet-music.co.uk/earthpathways

Let me rest, deep within,
For I am a seed, a radiant seed,
I have no need of the light of day.

No, let me lie, beneath a comfortable sky,
Let my stars be the roots above.
Before I come to birth, let me lie in the earth,
Amid the beautiful darkness.

When the freeze awakens me,
I stretch out a root.
Before you see a leaf of me,
I dig down deep.
And no-one can know what I will show;
There is plenty of time.

Time moves slow in the darkness,
Time moves slow in the darkness,
You don’t know in the darkness,
You don’t know in the darkness,
How near the dawn may be.

Seed © Jackie Singer 2012