Eleni Matangi

Writer, eco-psychologist, dancer-in-nature, artist, mother. Creatress of gatherings for connection, exchange of ideas, deep work and new ways. Teacher/student of the Natural Rhythm of Life. Living between the South Downs and New Forest...home is Earth.

Email: eleni@inter-connections.org

Diary 2019

The Natural Rhythm of Life flows through all things ... the seasons of the year, the phases of the moon, our human life cycles, the pattern of day and night. This rhythm is a natural part of us, and we are a part of it.

It flows through us on an inner level too ... in the functioning of our body’s systems, our learning process, our creativity and projects, our life changes and transformations, our stories, and our urges to connect with others or to be alone. It is a constant reminder of our interconnection with everything.

When we know its pattern, we can live our lives with greater wellbeing and wholeness. We can flow more easily with the changes in our lives and in our world. We can trust the bigger picture and our place within it. We can remind ourselves that each phase will flow to the next in its own time ... that worry, fear or forcing only drains our energy. We can learn to bring presence, attention and care to what is needed here and now. We can learn to transform our anger and frustration into positive action for what we love. We can learn to balance ourselves, feel more centred, more alive, and gift ourselves pauses to listen more deeply. This is good medicine for our times. This is nature showing us how to live.

The Natural Rhythm of Life © Eleni Matangi 2017


Diary 2016

May rainbows arch over your skies
May you walk through waves on the shore
May you feel the cool shade of the forest
May you be filled with wonder at sunset
May you gaze upwards at the stars
May you pause often to enjoy the view
May your friends be special
May music move you from the inside
May you make friends with your fears
May all shadows be made by bright sunshine
May your dreams fill you with passion
May you find peace within yourself
May love touch your soul

Blessing for Eva © Eleni Palánzas 2003


Diary 2015

It takes courage and connection to move at our own natural pace in life. People I work with sincerely want to create a better world. No matter how urgent or essential the needs of our work, our families, our communities, or how passionate we feel about our cause, if we ignore our own personal needs and balance, we will give to life less fully.

How can we maintain a naturally-balanced, inter-connected world, if we as individuals do not live in that way in all parts of our daily lives? There are always times for taking action. We also need to gift ourselves times to absorb and digest, to process, to reflect, to cleanse, to enjoy nature and personal moments, to celebrate with others, to create new ideas, to simply 'be'.

If we value equally the roles of our inner and outer worlds; our natural rhythms of receptivity and activity; the contributions to our wellness and wholeness of all aspects of our human natures - mental, emotional, physical and spiritual; and the importance of play and creativity, we will be able to give our best to the earth and all its inhabitants.

Natural Rhythms and Balance. Part 1 © Eleni Zoe Palánzas 2013

Nature works in cycles and rhythms of growth and rest, sprouting and decay, producing and composting ... it is only when we too live, work, love, play, create, share, contribute and relate in tune with these, that we are truly honouring our balance with nature and our whole selves.

If every act is sacred in our world, then all phases within natural cycles have equal purpose and value. Our challenge is to understand the whole process of creativity, development and change, and to trust this enough to integrate it into our individual lives. To live fully, with wholeness, balance and wellbeing, is our most valuable gift to the world.

Natural Rhythms and Balance. Part 2 © Eleni Zoe Palánzas 2013

At Winter Solstice ....

May we willingly release the things we no longer need, and follow our hearts on a journey into the new light....

May we plant the seeds of our dreams with hope
May we nurture them with love and courage, passion and belief
May we watch them grow strong, sharing our joys with those who are special to us
May our harvests be abundant, and gratefully received
And may we celebrate often as community, remembering in our hearts where we truly belong.

And always ...

May there be peace in our hearts, in our land, and in our world
May we honour each other with kindness and inclusion
May we care for the earth and all her beauty, treasuring her gifts to us
May love surround us
And may we trust that the changes that come are for the good of all.

Winter Solstice Blessing © Eleni Zoe Palánzas 2011