Denise Bristow

My deep connection to Mother Earth, walking our ancient landscapes and the beauty and joy I find in the smallest of things; all these continually inspire me to write poetry.


Diary 2023

Your song is timeless,
remember this
and you will be heard,
your voice amplified by those gone before,
never will you be silenced.

Your blood is river born,
from the great source
it courses through your being
ebbing and flowing on the moon
tides holding your power.

Your story is her story,
his story and their stories
spun and woven into the fabric of life,
threads stretch backwards and forwards,
spiralling, circling, ever unbroken.

Threads © Denise Bristow 2021


Calendar 2022

Ancestors we honour you.
We embrace the dark,
welcome its coming
with a Mother Song.
Beat a drum in time
to a rhythm so ancient
it dwells in our bones,
in the marrow of our being.
A song of returning.
A song of becoming.
A song of rebirthing.
A song of leaving.
A song of the light.
A song of the dark.
A song of coming home.

Samhain © Denise Bristow 2020


Diary 2018

Rain falls, soft as tears from the Earth Mother’s eyes.
Another tree is felled; she shudders in grief and pain.
Oil spumes forth; her life blood silently blackens.
Air thickens, stagnates; her gentle breathing falters.
Oceans heat, ice melts, and coldness grips her soul.
Gently she rocks back and forth, at one with her Moon tides
. Her breaking voice pulses through the air, her cry spirals up to the stars...
LISTEN... Sway with the drum of her heartbeat.
LISTEN... Sing to the music of her dreams.
LISTEN... Dance to the tune of her Spirit.
LISTEN... Weave your light into her melodies.
LISTEN... Become the healing with your song.

Become the Song © Denise Bristow 2014


Calendar 2018

Listen with your bones,
feel a throbbing ,deep
deep within the marrow of you,
deep in the beyond of you.
Birdsong weaves a melody,
hare leaps in tune,
the wildwood hums,
mirroring the Green Lord’s ardour,
his lady’s desire.
Let go, now is the time,
light your fires,
burn brightly and dance
to the ancient call of the Beltane drum.

Beltane © Denise Bristow


Diary 2015

Our lovely town here in Derbyshire has a history of limestone quarrying which has left a legacy of deep scars on the landscape. However one quarry is now flourishing as a community woodland and it provides a beautiful setting for a group of us to gather, and celebrate, as the wheel of the year turns.

Each ceremony is co-created and fluid and can quickly change depending on the dynamic of the group and the weather!!!! We have walked the winter stillness in silence in a magical snow covered wood; we have danced in barefoot abandon as the thunder rolled and the rain poured down; we have drummed a song to our ancestors which echoed back to us off the cliff face; we have traversed our labyrinth with intent as the purple light faded in the evening sky; we have pledged promises in the moonlight and sung as the sun set; we have acknowledged our blessings and asked for guidance. As firelight flickered around us we have talked, cried, laughed and dream-gazed and we have weaved amazing connections.

We know each time we go to our wood we give back, we become as one with the land and feel honoured to play a part in the healing process it is undergoing. We take our leave giving thanks, feeling gently bound together and truly blessed.

Giving Back © Denise Bristow